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Malachi's Legacy: A Community's Stand Against Child Abuse

“One of the most empowering projects that I had the pleasure to work on here at Change Often was the Malachi Memorial Project. If you don't know about this project, let me give you some backstory. Malachi Nelson was a 6 year old boy in High Point and attended Montlieu Academy of Technology, where he was known for being a light in the classroom. We organized a way to memorialize Malachi at his school; a "Buddy Bench" placed outside of Montlieu. The bench is a great symbol to memorialize Malachi because his fellow classmates and future students can all continue to remember him."

Corey Byrd, Business & Project Administration Associate

Child abuse and neglect are grim realities that persist in our society, casting shadows on the futures of our most vulnerable. In the United States, the statistics are alarming, with thousands of children losing their lives to abuse and neglect each year. In 2019, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported a staggering 1,840 such fatalities, with parental involvement in a significant majority of cases. This issue hit home in a tragic way for Montlieu Academy of Technology when one of its students, Malachi Nelson, lost his life at the hands of his own father in July 2021.

Malachi's untimely passing shook the community, but it also ignited a flame of compassion and a commitment to making a change. Montlieu Academy's Principal, Kimberly Scott, along with her dedicated staff, reached out to youth safety advocates in High Point with a heartfelt call to action. They believed that it was their responsibility to honor Malachi's memory and take a stand against child abuse. In collaboration with Change Often - Social Innovation Firm and Communities In Schools of High Point, they embarked on a mission to create something meaningful that would both commemorate Malachi's life and empower students in the fight against child abuse.

The Memorial Event

The memorial event held at Montlieu Academy on April 29, 2022 was a poignant and inspiring occasion, focusing not just on the tragedy but also on the community's capacity to raise safe, happy, and healthy children. Malachi's classmates, teachers, and the community came together to remember his endearing character and spirit. Montlieu's 1st grade chorus sang a touching song, and students planted blue pinwheels symbolizing child abuse prevention awareness around a special "buddy bench" dedicated to Malachi. This memorial bench now stands as a beautiful symbol of Malachi's memory and a beacon of opposition to child abuse and domestic violence.

Partnerships that Make a Difference

This collaborative effort brought together a diverse group of stakeholders. The Guilford County Family Justice Center supported the cause by connecting with additional partners, making donations for the buddy bench, and attending the unveiling ceremony. STABB Designs played a pivotal role by creating and installing a beautiful plaque on the bench. Parents, media, youth advocates, community members, and local government representatives all joined in to celebrate and spread awareness. Change Often and Communities In Schools of High Point partnered to secure funds for the buddy bench through a community-driven GoFundMe campaign. They reached out to education, child care, domestic violence prevention, and child abuse prevention partners, emphasizing the importance of community involvement.

Long Lasting Impact

Moreover, educational materials and lessons were developed in collaboration with Montlieu Academy staff to promote anti-bullying and abuse prevention among students. These lessons focused on empathy, compassion, and the significance of being a good buddy to others. Through interactive activities and discussions, students learned about kindness and the importance of being good friends to those around them.


The story of Malachi Nelson's tragic loss and the community's response serves as a powerful reminder that change is possible when individuals and organizations come together with a shared purpose. The buddy bench placed on the campus of Montlieu Academy stands as a lasting tribute to Malachi's memory and a testament to the community's commitment to preventing child abuse and neglect. It is a symbol of hope, compassion, and the belief that by working together, we can create a safer and brighter future for all children.